
This is Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter, and over the next few minutes I’m going to reveal how, just like tobacco and alcohol companies…

Food Companies Now Have The Blood Of More Than 35 Million People’s Lives On Their Hands Each Year…

We’re talking 350 Million people over the next 10 years…

To put that in perspective, that’s enough people to fill the largest football stadium in the country 3,500 times!

Why would they do such a horrible thing and…

Why Should You And Your Loved Ones Be Outraged By Their Actions?

Because by adding a very specific ingredient to their products, it triggers a sense of pleasure in our brains every time we eat it…

And a weird biological reaction occurs that makes you ADDICTED to their products, so you either spend even more money on what they’re selling, or literally go through withdrawal until you can’t take it anymore…

And go rushing back to the store for a last-minute fix…

The Government is turning the other cheek…

Because by letting Big Food companies slip this “addiction trigger” into our food supply…

Billions of dollars are generated each year in the form of increased revenue, more taxes for Uncle Sam, political contributions, funding to rig nutritional studies, and increased need for the latest drugs being pushed by pharmaceutical companies to temporarily fix all the damage…

It’s a red-hot trail of bribery, extortion, and intimidation that has everyone behind it raking in big money and bonuses, laughing all the way to the bank…

Yet, It Comes With A Devastating Cost…

Can you guess what it is?

As you can imagine, it’s not a cost that’s hurting any of these food companies…

No, instead, this outrageous act of corporate greed is ripping away the physical and mental health of virtually every man, woman, and child in America.

Not only am I gonna expose this dirty little food industry secret right now..

When it comes to breaking the addiction…

I’ll Also Be Revealing An Easy Little “7-Second Addiction Destroyer” (Plus The Best Time Of Day To Use It) To Completely Diffuse Any Feeling Of Cravings Or Withdrawal…

Once you know this trick and use it yourself, you’ll immediately start promoting all sorts of amazing changes to your health…

For example, the valuable information in this free report is for you, especially if:

You’re a man or woman in your 30s, 40s, 50s or older and you’re fed up with feeling constantly fatigued, unmotivated, and drained within a few hours of waking up…

If you’ve ever felt trapped inside a revolving door of cravings and regret, finding it impossible to stop eating junk food, even when you’ve just eaten or know you’ll feel bad later…

If you want to conquer feeling addicted to certain foods so you no longer have to feel fat or bloated, but instead able to effortlessly dump the pounds of stored fat you might have hiding the real, more confident and energetic you underneath right now…

And finally, if you always seem to feel sluggish, irritable, depressed, or like you’re living your day through a mental fog…

Or you’ve worried about more serious issues like diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, or strokes…

Does Any Of This Apply To You?

If so, then you absolutely must listen to every word of this presentation…

I Can’t Stress This Warning Enough:

Because What I’m Sharing Is So Controversial And Targets The Manipulative Acts Of Some Of The Largest Corporations In The World...

So Please, Turn Off All Distractions And Read This Now...While It’s Still Available To You.

You’ve never seen anything like this, and it has nothing to do with Monsanto, GMO’S, Gluten, or pesticides…

So please, read carefully…

What You Discover Today May Literally Save Your Life….

Because the damage being done by this addiction trigger is set to ruin our quality of life for decades to come…

Data From The Center For Human Nutrition, The Department Of International Health, And Johns Hopkins School Of Public Health Warns:! Within The Next Two Decades, Over 90% Of Americans Will Be Overweight Or Obese.

The Center For Disease Control Has Released Reports Stating By 2050, At Least 33% Of Americans Will Become Diabetic.

A Report Published In The New England Journal Of Medicine Says The Associated Diseases And Complications (Like The Increase In Heart Disease, Kidney Failure, And Certain Cancers)...

Means Today’s Children Will Likely Die At A Younger Age Than Their Parents...

It’s Even Been Found To Cause:

Poor Sex Drive, Headaches, Depression, Bad Cholesterol Levels, Premature Aging, Arthritis, Skin Problems, Damaged Vision, Reduced Learning And Memory Ability, Plus A Whole Host Of Other Problems...

And, To Put All Of This In Perspective:

Doctor Robert Lustig From The University Of California Has Noted The Addiction Trigger I’ll Be Exposing Today Is Associated With The Deaths Of More Than 35 Million People Worldwide, Every Single Year.

I Don’t Know About You, But I Find All Of That To Be Quite Disturbing…

Which Is Why I’ve Spent A Significant Amount Of My Own Time And Money Over The Last 9 Months, Preparing This Presentation For You…

And Why I’ve Dedicated My Life To Already Helping Millions Of People Through My Work As A Registered Dietitian, Best-Selling Author, And Even Appearing On Major Television Networks Like Fox, NBC, And CBS.

The Good News, As You’ll See In A Minute, Is That By Learning What Food Companies Are Doing, How To Spot It, And My 7-Second Trick To Quickly And Safely Reduce The Effect It Has On Your Body…

You Can Flood Your Body’s Cells With The Ability To Naturally Support Your Health, Your Waistline, And Sail Through Even Your Busiest Day With Energy To Spare…

It All Starts With A Story I Have To Share:

A Story That’s A Bit Alarming…

Yet It’s One You Absolutely Need To Hear Because It Will Reveal How I Made This Amazing Discovery, So You Too Can Improve Your Health In A Fun And Natural Way….


The Story Begins In 1971.

Richard Nixon Was Facing Re-Election.

However, Two Things Were Threatening His Relationship With The American People:

The First, Was The Vietnam War...

Second, The Cost Of Food, Which Had Skyrocketed Over Previous Years.

Political Matters Aside, If He Had Any Chance Of Getting Re-Elected, Finding A Way To Bring Food Prices Down Was Critical.

To Do That, Nixon Needed To Get A Very Powerful Lobby On Board:

America’s Farmers.

So, Nixon Brought On A Guy Named Earl Butz, Who Was A Native To Indiana’s farmlands.

Butz’s Mission, As You Can Guess…

Was To Use His Agricultural Experience To Create A Plan That Would Slash Food Production Costs Across The Nation…

Whether He Realized It Or Not Though…

His Plan Would Also Reshape The Bodies Of Every Man, Woman, And Child In The Nation…Even Up To Today!

The First Step Was To Drive Farmers Toward A New, Industrial Level Of Production.

When Given The Option To Grow A Crop With Or Without Lucrative Government Funding, You Can Probably Guess Which Route Most Farmers Took.

In This Case, They Would Be Farming One Crop In Particular:! Corn.

Almost Overnight, American Farmers Catapulted Their Status From Small- Town Operators To Multi-Millionaire Businessmen…Swimming In Cash From A New, Global Market…

Even Now, The Government And Food Industry Still Shovel Billions Of Funding Each Year To Growers Of Corn And Other Commodity Crops…

In The Beginning, Farmers Started Using Part Of Their Corn Harvests To Fatten Livestock…

Animals Got Bigger And Yielded More Meat…

Then Things Like Fries, Fried In Corn Oil, Got Fattier.

And In No Time At All, Corn Became The Secret To Ramping Up Production Of Cheaper Food For American Supermarkets.

Everything From Cereals, To Biscuits, To Flour, Found New Uses For Corn…

Yet, That Was Just The Beginning…

Eventually, Butz also discovered how to ramp up the production of high fructose corn syrup — something first discovered a little earlier, in 1957…

it quickly became an ace up the food conglomerate’s sleeves for two reasons:

First, The American population loved the way it made foods taste…

And second:

Because suddenly, The companies had something even sweeter than regular (more expensive) sugar, for a fraction of the cost…

As a result, Product costs hit rock bottom, shelf life stretched from a few days to WEEKS and even MONTHS…

And more cash than ever was gushing into their greedy little hands…

But were they satisfied?

No, of course not…

Because after getting a taste of what they could do with High Fructose Corn syrup…

A Light Bulb Went Off, And Food Production Suddenly Became A Game Of Pure Science:

Engineering every food, tweaking every milligram, for maximum appeal…

(Food scientists call it “the bliss point”…)

While this was happening, obesity wasn’t a major concern like it is now…

But heart disease was killing off more Americans than ever…

And the blame…was a toss-up between sugars or fat…

Yes, just after discovering how to sweeten their profits, food manufacturers’ most precious additive was at risk of being put in the spotlight and labeled as public health enemy number one…

I Can Just Imagine Every CEO Hiding Under Their Desks At The Time, Trying To Figure Out What To Do!

Their solution?

Well, the food industry have always been pros at spinning changes to their products into new marketing claims they can use to manipulate more people into buying…

They spotted a massive business opportunity that could be forged from putting the blame on fat…

Because they would be able to create a demand for low-fat foods, then manufacture products to fulfill that desire, and look like saints in the process…

And the American public would be in a buying frenzy, desperate to improve their health.

So, The Food Pushers Went On A Public Relations Rampage, Destroying The Credibility Of Anyone Who Spoke Negatively About Sugar…

The British Sugar Bureau published press releases labeling the research of their most-feared threat, Professor and best-selling author John Yudkin, as weak “emotional assertions”…

The World Sugar Organization described his book and research as science fiction…

And Yudkin was promptly banned from conferences, even pushed into canceling his own at the last minute due to pressure intensifying from sponsors, like Coca-Cola…

This, and all the other tactics the industry used, were so successful that even many years later…

Few scientists dared to publish ANYTHING negative about sugar!…  And, in the end, fat… not sugar… gained the spotlight as the number one culprit for heart disease.

This stunt paved the way for a flood of new items to hit grocery store shelves, as food conglomerates scrambled to roll out low-fat versions of their products…

Almost Overnight, Everything Seemed To Have A Low-Fat Alternative:

From butter and bread…

Yogurts and cheeses…

Even mouthwatering desserts and snacks became guilt-free treats…

Basically, if it said “low-fat” or “fat-free” on the packaging, it sold…but:

There was just one BIG problem lurking in these foods…

Remember how food became all about scientists creating delicately balanced formulas?

Well, when you tweak those formulas, including taking away fat, you need to put something in its place to balance the formula back out…

You see, fat works as a flavor carrier…

When You Take Away Too Much Fat, Food Literally Tastes Like Cardboard…

So, how did food corporations balance these supposedly healthy, low-fat products to make them still taste great enough to fly off the shelves?

The answer:


Which is why even today, if you pick up any product and its low-fat version, you’ll notice the low-fat version always has at least TWICE the sugar as the original…

I’ll share a few shocking pictures in a moment that show WHY this is a serious issue, but FIRST:

Fast forward to today, there are now over 257 different forms of sugar hiding in plain sight on ingredient lists…

And avoiding them isn’t as simple as passing on junk food like cookies and candy…

Even So-Called Health Foods, Including Yogurts, Cereals, Sports Drinks, Protein Bars, And Salad Dressings Now Have Unnecessary Amounts Of Sugar...

In fact, according to Dr. Robert Lustig:

“There are over 600,000 food items in America. 80% of them have added sugar.”

Lustig found that, as a result…

The Average American Now Eats One-Third A Pound Of Sugar Every Day — A Whopping 130 Pounds Of Sugar Per Year!

Imagine loading up a shopping cart with 130 single-pound bags of sugar, and trying to cram that into your body over the next 12 months.

Crazy, right?

Yet, that’s what’s slowly happening with every snack and meal we eat…

And Doing So Does More Damage Than Simply Fatten You Up…

In fact, as you’ll see in the pictures I’m about to show you, the diseases doctors have found sugar consumption linked to are much more dangerous and in some cases can literally rot your body from the inside…

Warning: These pictures are a bit shocking, and you can look away for the few seconds they’ll appear, but please know my intention isn’t to scare you…

I’m simply sharing what nobody in our mainstream media is willing to…

I’ll also share the GOOD news in just a moment, so keep watching…


Let’s Take A Look At What Damage Sugar Is Doing:

Doctors and researchers at Yale, Harvard, The National Institutes of Health, and countless studies done by doctors all over the world all agree:

The avalanche of sugar we’re consuming every day has been directly tied to diabetes, which can lead to nerve damage called neuropathy, even resulting in rot and causing the need for amputation…

Sugar has also been linked to:

Macular degeneration

An increased risk of kidney disease, which causes painful, fluid-filled cysts on your kidneys…

High cholesterol, heart disease, and increased risk of heart attacks…


Dementia, Metabolic Syndrome, Anxiety, Poor Sex Drive, Premature Aging, Depression, Skin Problems, Impaired Memory And Learning, Insomnia, High Blood Pressure, Headaches, Low Energy, Mood Swings, And Even As A Fuel Source Used By Cancer Cells To Feed Off Of And Grow…

I Know, That Sounds Like A Lot, And It Is…However:

Mountains of research and data have been collected that prove problems like these and the deaths of 35 Million people are being directly linked to sugar and its addictive grip, every single year…

Yet even as this becomes more common knowledge, it will still be IMPOSSIBLE for people to give the stuff up.

Not only are absurd amounts of sugar in EVERY food in your grocery store…BUT:

Brain Scans Show When We Eat Sugar, It Creates A Euphoric Sensation, And Dopamine Lights Up The Pleasure Centers Of Our Brains.

In Other Words:

Eating Foods With Sugar Feels Rewarding, Which Hijacks Our Brains And Makes Us Feel Addicted…

Even Causing Our Bodies To Suffer Through Cravings, Binging, And Withdrawal…

This is why scientists have said sugar is as dangerous and addictive as drugs like heroin and cocaine…

In Fact, In A Study Done By Yale University, The Simple Sight Of A Milkshake Activated The Same Reward Centers In The Brains Of Participants, As Cocaine Would For An Addict Anticipating Their Fix.

Terrifying, Right?

Well, In Case You’re Wondering…

This Discovery Is Only Half The Reason Food Companies Are Cramming Sugar Into Every Food They Can…

The Real Reason Is Much More Disturbing Because While It, Too, Increases Our Appetites…

It’s Also Contributing To Those 35 Million Deaths Each Year…

You Really Need To Know This, And I’ll Come Back To It In A Moment…

First, In Case You’re Wondering If You’re Already Addicted…

Dr. Mark Hyman, A World-Renowned Physician And New York Times Best-Selling Author, Offers These 5 Warning Signs Of Sugar Addiction:

Do Any Of These Sound Familiar?

#1 - Eating Certain Foods Because Of Cravings, Even When You’re Not Hungry...

#2 - You Have Health Or Weight Issues As A Result Of Your Diet, But Continue Eating The Way You Do, Regardless Of Negative Consequences...

#3 - You Find Yourself Needing The Foods You Crave As A Way To Feel Good “, Just Take A Break,” Or Reduce Stress And Negative Emotions...

#4- You Worry About Cutting Down On Certain Foods...

#5- You Feel Sluggish Or Fatigued From Overeating...

Can You Honestly Tell Yourself None Of These Apply To You?

If They Do And You’ve Ever Wondered Why You Just Can’t Resist Certain Foods…

It’s Not Your Fault Or A Sign Of Weakness...

It’s Because Your Body Is Addicted To Sugar And Crying Out For A Fix...

And Because Sugar Hijacks Our Brains Just Like Cocaine And Heroin, The “Just Say No” Approach Isn’t Any Easier To Apply…

It Would Be Like Asking A Drug Addict To Only Take One Hit...

Or Telling A Smoker To Only Light Up One More Time And Then Go Cold Turkey...

When You Look At It That Way, You Might Wonder If There’s Any Hope…

Well, The Good News Is That There IS A Solution…

And I’ll Come Back To This In A Second — It’s That 7-Second Addiction Destroyer I Promised To Share…

First, Please Pay Very Close Attention While I Wrap Up By Revealing The REAL Reason Sugar Is So Addicting, And Why It’s So Deadly…


Have You Ever Wondered Why You Eat A Good Meal And End Up Hungry An Hour Later?

Well, Unless You’re Reading Every Food Label Or Eating Like A Rabbit…

Pretty Much Everything You’re Eating Contains Excessive And Therefore Toxic Amounts Of Sugar…

Remember: This Includes The “Healthy” Food Options Like Salad Dressings, Protein Bars, Fruit Juices, Yogurts, And So On…

All Of This Adds Up At Each Meal And, As A Result, Your Blood Sugar Levels Skyrocket

When That Happens, It’s Only A Matter Of Time Until Your Blood Sugar Levels Come Crashing Down, Making Your Stomach Signal To Your Brain That You Need More Food To Balance Your Blood Sugar Back Out…

However, Because Almost Everything Contains Sugar, Too Much Goes Back Into Your System And The Cycle Starts All Over Again…

Unfortunately, The More You Allow This To Happen, The Closer You Get To Becoming Burdened By The Diseases And Health Complications We’ve Already Covered…

The Ones Like Diabetes; Kidney…Liver…And Heart Disease, Stroke, Dementia, And More…

All Directly Linked To Sugar Consumption And The Deaths Of 35 Million People Each Year…

Food Companies Know This, But Their Job As A Corporation Is To Make Money And Keep Shareholders Happy…Not Keep America Healthy.

Which Explains Why, Despite Having More Foods Than Ever Before With Lower Calories And Less Fat, We As A Nation Are More Fat And Sick Than Ever Before…

The Good News, Is That Ending This Vicious Cycle Is As Simple As Keeping Your Blood Sugar Levels Balanced…

And Though As A Registered Dietitian I Would Never Recommend You Go Out And Binge On Whatever You Want, Every Single Day…

Knowing How To Keep Your Blood Sugar Balanced Will Allow You To Still Enjoy Your Favorite Foods, Without Having To Be A Slave To Crashes And Cravings Afterwards…

In Other Words, When Your Blood Sugar Is Balanced…You Destroy The Addiction.

So, What Can You Do To Get Your Blood Sugar Balanced?

Basically, There Are 3 Possible Solutions.

Solution #1: Would Be To Get Food Companies To Stop Doing This In The First Place…

Sadly, That’s Not Going To Happen, Because Then You Wouldn’t Be Addicted To Their Products And Spending Enough Money…

No Government Alphabet Agency (Like The FDA Or USDA) Is Going To Do Anything Either, Even Despite The 35 Million Deaths Linked To Sugar Each Year…Because:

The Food Industry Is The Second Largest Employer In The World…

The First, If You’re Wondering, Is The Government Itself…

And As You’ve Already Seen, Washington And Big Food Have Been In Bed With Each Other For Decades…

The Government Would Never Regulate Sugar, Because Billions In Taxable Income And “Support” Would Grind To A Halt…

Not To Mention The Ripple Effect Everyone Getting Healthier Would Have On The $20 Billion Weight Loss Industry Pushing Diet Books, Weight Loss Potions, And Exercise Gear…

Or The Big Pharmaceutical Companies Who Can Only Rake In Their $300 Billion A Year If Everyone Stays Fat, Sick, And Complacent…

Solution #2: Might Give You A Little More Power…

Which Would Be To Completely Avoid All Processed And Refined Foods — Everything That Comes In A Box, Or Is Made In A Plant Instead Of On One.

This Includes Avoiding Artificial Sweeteners, Which Have Over 10,000 Cases Of Nasty Reactions, Including Rashes, Joint Pain, Dizziness, Nausea, Change In Heart Rate, And More.

Basically, You’d Be Limited To Shopping The Outside Shelves Where You’ll Find Meat And Produce…

And Then Eat Nothing But These Whole Foods As Our Bodies Were Meant To…

Truthfully, That’s A Lot Of Work…

Who Really Wants To Give Up Savoring Their Favorite Food And Drink For The Rest Of Their Lives, Right?

Or Become The “Picky Friend” People Dread Having Over?

Or Live In A World Full Of Cranky People Going Through Withdrawal?

Luckily, There’s Solution #3, The Easiest Option Of All:

It’s The “7-Second Addiction Destroyer” I Hinted At Earlier…

As Head Of Research And Development At Jaylab Pro Nutrition, My Main Task Is To Use My Experience As A Registered Dietitian And Combine It With The Latest Cutting-Edge Research Being Published By Doctors And Scientists…

When I Discovered What Was Happening To Our Food, I Made It My Mission To Help As Many People As Possible Reduce Their Risk Of Becoming One Of The 35 Million That Are Dying Each Year…

And When It Comes To Breaking Free From Sugar Addiction…

Managing Your Weight And Energy…

And Supporting Your Overall Health…

A Few Important Nutrients And Compounds Have Been Found To Deliver Amazing Results…

For Example:

#1 - Banaba: Banaba Is A Medicinal Plant That Grows In India, Southeast Asia, And The Philippines. It Contains A Compound Called Corosolic Acid, Which Mimics The Function Of Insulin, And Has Been Reported To Safely Promote Lower (More Stable) Blood Sugar Levels.

Remember: Balancing Blood Sugar Means Breaking The Addiction…

#2 - Gymnema Sylvestre: Gymnema Sylvestre Is A Medicinal Herb Found Deep In The Tropical Forests Of Southern And Central India, As Well As Sri Lanka.

Its Leaves Contain Gymnemic Acids, Which have Been Shown To Support Slower Movement Of Glucose From The Intestines To The Bloodstream.

In Additional Studies, Research Also Suggests Gymnema Sylvestre Extract Can Promote The Repair And Regeneration Of Cells In The Pancreas That Produce Insulin.

As A Result, It Helps You Slow Down The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster, So You Can Manage Sugar Crashes To Be More In Control…

And, Ultimately…

Support your Energy, Focus, Waistline And Feel Decades Younger As A Result Of Better Health…

#3 - Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA): According To A New Study In The American Journal Of Medicine, Ala Can Be Useful For Supporting Weight Loss.! In Other Recent Studies, ALA Also Promoted Reduced Fasting Blood Sugar, Post-Meal Blood Sugar, And Overall Improvement In Insulin Function.

Remember: The Better Your Body Is Able To Use Insulin, The More You Can Support Your Blood Sugar Levels And That Means Cravings And Addiction Becomes Easier To Break Free From…

#4 - Cinnamon: In Human Studies, This Clinically-Documented Glucose Fighter Has Been Proven To Promote Lower Blood Sugar Levels While Also Supporting Insulin Sensitivity.

It Also Supports Reducing The Harsh Spike In Blood Sugar Levels That Occur After Eating Foods Rich In Sugar. Which, As You’ve Seen Today, Are Everywhere.

Cinnamon Has Also Been Shown To Increase Satiety, That Feeling Of Being Full.

#5 - Licorice Root Extract: Researchers From The Max Planck Institute For Molecular Genetics Have Recently Uncovered Substances In Licorice Root Called “Amorfrutins”, Which Have An Ability To Promote Less Inflammation And Lower Blood Sugar Levels…

Remember: Lowering Blood Sugar Levels To “Normal” Means You’re Back In Control Instead Of Letting Your Body Think It Needs Another Fix…

Now, Combine All These Nutrient’s Benefits Together And You Have Something Far More Powerful Than You Can Imagine…

You Start To Support Your Body In A Way That Destroys Addiction To Foods That Are Ruining Your Health…

Your Blood Cells Become Flooded With Nourishment, Improving Your Mood, Rejuvenating Your Health, And Your Overall Sense Of Well-Being! One Of The Immediate Benefits, Is That Your Energy Levels Perk Up, And You’re No Longer Sluggish Or Fatigued...

You’ll Be Able To Sail Through Your Busiest Day With Energy To Spare, No Longer Needing Caffeinated Drinks (Crammed With Sugar) Or Coffee To Carry You...

Your Mental Function Begins To Improve By Erasing Brain Fog And Making You Sharp As A Razor At Any Age...

Headaches Often Fade Faster When Blood Sugar Levels Are Stable...

Many People Also Find Their Bodies Begin To Drop Stored Fat, And Weight Loss Becomes Easier...


If You Have Too Much Sugar In Your Bloodstream Or Your Body Isn’t Able To Burn Sugar For Energy, It Stores It As Fat In Your Cells…

That’s Why If You’ve Had A Tough Time Losing Weight In The Past, It Could Be Due To Your Blood Sugar Not Being Balanced Properly.


You’ll No Longer Be Stuck On The Up And Down Roller Coaster.

You’ll No Longer Feel Helpless Or Addicted.

You’ll Be Eating Less Refined Foods…

Making You Look (And Feel) Like A Leaner, Lighter, Healthier Version Of Yourself.

All While Reducing Your Risks Of More Serious Issues Down The Road…! Who Wouldn’t Want All That, Right?

Well, The Good News Is It’s Possible.

Now, I Know Just Giving You A List Of Nutrients Isn’t Enough, And Not Everyone Will Feel Like Hunting Down The Best Sources…

Or Trying To Figure Out The Ideal Amounts Needed To Benefit From Each Of These Amazing Nutrients…

Plus, It Would Cost Way Too Much Time And Money To Buy Each One Separately Every Month…

We Searched All Over The World To Find The Purest Sources…

And Assembled Our Own Highly Trained Team Of Experts To Blend Them Into A Super-Supplement We Call:

Jaylab Pro GlucoGuardian!

It’s A Powerful, All-Natural Formula That Combines Proven Science With A Carefully Balanced Blend Of The Absolute Best Blood Sugar Supporters In The World…

All It Takes Is Just One Capsule Each Morning, 7 Seconds Tops, And You’re On Your Way To Balancing Blood Sugar And Destroying Addiction…

In Just A Second, I’m Going To Reveal How You Can Get Your Own Discounted Supply Of Gluco Guardian As An Exclusive Member Of Our VIP Test Group…

First, You Must Know:

Gluco Guardian Is Not Available In Stores…

You See, Our Formula Is Completely Different Than The Low Quality Supplements You’ll Usually Find Sitting On The Shelves At Department Stores…

Those Big Supplement Companies Are Able To Offer Such Low Prices, Because They Produce Millions Of Bottles At Once…

And They Usually Save Even More Money By Cutting Corners And Using The Lowest-Quality Ingredients They Can…

That’s The Exact Opposite Of What We Do Here At Jaylab Pro Nutrition…

We Use The Most Advanced Research Available, And Then Scour The Globe To Uncover The Very Best Ingredients We Can And Then Blend Them Into A Single, Pure Formula At Our Own FDA-Compliant Lab…

However, Putting Quality And Service Before Our Own Profits Means…

We Produce Only A Very Limited Supply Of Gluco Guardian Each Month.

Especially Since Some Of The More Exotic Ingredients (Like Banaba Leaf) Are Native To Other Countries, As I Mentioned Before…

With That In Mind, You Can Probably See Why We Originally Intended To Distribute Gluco Guardian Exclusively To High-End Health Stores For $147 A Bottle…

However, We Decided To Remove The Middle Men To Make It More Affordable And Ensure You Get Nothing Less Than The World-Class Service You Deserve…

So We’ve Been Selling It In Our Own Online Store For $97 A Bottle, Ever Since…

But Don’t Panic!

Because As I Mentioned, Being A Part Of Our VIP Test Group Means That Price Is Not For You…

It’s No Accident That You’re Here Right Now…

And Since You’ve Made It This Far, You’ve Made The Cut Into Our Special VIP Group.

Listen, It’s Obvious That You Care About Your Health, And Want To Experience The Amazing Benefits Of Healthier Blood Sugar We’ve Covered Today…

And You’re Not Alone…

Because We’ve Received A Constant Stream Of Phone Calls And E-Mails From Everyday Folks Who Are Fed Up With Their Sugar Addiction, And Want To Escape The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster It Has Them On…

That Endless Cycle Of Feeling Flabby, Sluggish, And Weighted Down By Mental And Physical Exhaustion…

So To Help Transform As Many Lives As Possible, The Rest Of The Jaylab Pro Team, And Myself Have Created An Exclusive VIP Program For Folks Who Are Serious And Ready To Take Back Control…

Now, These Spots Will Fill Up Fast…

But When You Act Right Now, You Can Guarantee You Won’t Ever Pay $147 Per Bottle…

You Won’t Even Pay The Normal $97 Price…

Instead, Taking Advantage Of This VIP Offer Will Get You A Full Bottle Of Jaylab Pro GlucoGuardian…

For Only $49.95!

That’s A Minimum Savings Of $47.05 Already, But I Am Not Stopping There…

Because If You Act Right Now, Today On This Page Only, And Reserve 4 Bottles Gluco Guardian, You’ll Get A Free Upgrade Of 2 FREE Bottles… Plus Free Shipping!


That’s Nearly 60% Off The Regular Price—A Massive Savings Of Over $187.00—And Works Out To Be Only $0.88 Cents Per Dose…

Do You Think Balancing Your Blood Sugar, No Longer Feeling Addicted, Losing Stored Belly Fat, Reclaiming Your Energy, And Feeling Great Is Worth A Measly $0.88?

I Think So, Too…

You Can’t Even Buy A Decent Cup Of Coffee For That Price Anymore!

In Fact, There’s Not A Whole Lot $0.88 Can Do These Days, Is There?

But With A Free Ultra VIP Status When You Reserve 4 Bottles Today + 2 FREE Bottles, That Same $0.88 Will Be Going Toward All The Benefits Of Keeping Your Blood Sugar Under Control And Breaking The Addiction We Covered Today…

The Reason We’re Making This VIP Offer Available Is Simple:

We Want To Transform As Many Lives As Possible, And Start Pushing The Boundaries Of Our Research Even Further…

But In Order To Do Much Of Either, We Need More People Just Like You To Share Their Feedback…

So By Giving You Access To This Vip Offer And Making It Easier To Experience The Thrill And Results Of Taking GlucoGuardian…

We Hope You’ll Pass The Info Along To Others…

Or Even Better, Come Back And Share Your Results, If You Choose To…

That Way You Can Help Our Team Of Researchers And Scientists Expand The Growing Body Of Evidence That Shows The Long-Term Benefits Of This Amazing Formula!

That’s Right, Your Feedback Can Help Us Transform Even More Lives!

Consider This:

You’d Pay More Than $33.33 For:

- A Trip To Your Favorite Restaurant…
- A Bag Or Two Of Groceries At Most Supermarkets…
- Or 10 Days Of Getting Your Coffee At Starbucks…

And None Of These Things Can Give You The 24/7 Peace Of Mind That Comes When You Take Just ONE Capsule Of Gluco Guardian With A Meal Each Day!

Plus, When You Order Today, We’ll Do Something That Puts All The Risk On Our Shoulders, So You Can Try Gluco Guardian With Total Peace Of Mind:

Because We’ll Make Sure You’re 100% Satisfied With Our No-Nonsense ‘Triple Guarantee’:

Guarantee #1: The Quality: If The Quality Of GlucoGuardian Doesn’t Live Up To Its Reputation As The Best Blood Sugar Balancing, Addiction Fighting Supplement On The Market Today, We’ll Promptly Send You A Refund…

Guarantee #2: The Results: If You Do Not See And Feel The Results GlucoGuardian Can Give You, Simply Return The Unused Portion For An Immediate Refund…

Guarantee #3: The Service: If You’re Not Happy With Any Part Of Your GlucoGuardian Order, Whether It’s The Shipping Time, Our Customer Service, Or Even Something Silly Like The Design Of The Bottle, We’ll Happily Refund Your Purchase…

But Rest Assured, You’ll Be Completely Satisfied...

Your Order Will Arrive Promptly, Usually Within 3-5 Days After Processing, If You’re In The United States...

Our Customer Service Team Is Devoted To Making Sure You’re Not Just Happy With Our Service, But That You Walk Away Raving About How Great Your Experience Was...

And Our Company Is Always Easy To Reach During Business Hours, By Phone, E-Mail, And Chat Support...

So Are You Ready To Get Your Hands On Your Own Risk-Free Supply Of GlucoGuardian?

If so, I can’t stress this enough:

You need to ACT NOW to secure your place in our VIP test group…

There are literally hundreds of other people watching this exact video right now…and soon, we’ll run out.

If you wait until that happens, the button you see below this video will not take you to the order page, but will show a SOLD OUT message instead…

That’s why you absolutely must click it right away, and then fill out the information on our secure order page to get your spot reserved…

Since you’ve watched to this point, it’s obvious you care about your health and what goes into your body, and you want only the highest quality to take you to the next level…

To give your body the support it needs to break free from sugar addiction… fatigue…stubborn fat stored in your belly…and help maintain healthy blood sugar levels, right?


Click the big “order now” button below BEFORE it’s gone for good…

And keep in mind…

If The Order Form At the Bottom Of The Page Says “Sold Out,” I Apologize Up Front, But…

That means someone else has already taken your spot and you’ve missed out on this incredible opportunity…

I urge you not to let that happen by clicking the button below now, fill out the secure order page…and we’ll rush your first shipment of GlucoGuardian right to your door!

Still not sure?

Ok, Here’s One More Thing I Was Going To Keep As A Surprise That I Think You’ll Love:

On Top Of The Massive VIP Discount, And On Top Of The Guarantee And Free Shipping…

We’re Also Including Two Incredible Free Gifts Just To Make This An Absolute No-Brainer For You To Try Right Now...

And You’ll Immediately Have Access To These After You Complete Your Order...Because We’ll Be Sending Them To Your E-Mail:

First, Our Team Has Produced A Bonus Report That Reveals A Few Things You Should Know The Next Time You Go To The Grocery Store...

It’s Called :“7 Food Industry Secrets That Could Destroy Your Health”

Here’s A Sample Of What Is Revealed In This Report:

> How Food Companies Manipulate Serving Sizes And Make It Virtually Impossible Not To Eat Too Much...

> Why You Can Never Trust The Level Of Calories A Nutrition Label Claims...

> The Ugly Truth About Products Labeled As Containing “Real Fruit,” “Natural,” “0 Grams Trans Fat,” And Other Packaging Gimmicks...

> Plus, The Actual Tricks They Use To Get Away With It All...

This Bonus Is So Valuable To Have At Your Side, It’s Worth The Small Investment You’ll Be Making In GlucoGuardian, All By Itself...

Now, Your Second Free Report Is My Personal Favorite, Because It Reveals Some Of The Most Shocking Foods That Contain Sugar...


It’s Called: “The Top 15 Worst Foods That Hide Sugar” Within Its 28 Pages, You’ll Discover Must-Know Info Like:

> The #1 Biggest “Healthy” Sugar Trap On The Market Today (Avoid This At All Costs)...

> The Worst Kind Of Food You Could Ever Order From A Restaurant...

> Think All Smoothies Are Brimming With Nutrients? We Reveal What Kind Of Smoothies You Should Never Drink On Page 14. (Hint: One Popular Brand Contains 56 Grams Of Sugar In A Single Bottle!)

> Plus, For Every One Of The 15 Foods Exposed In This Report, We Reveal Several Tasty (And Healthier) Alternatives You Can Eat Instead...

And Remember:

Both These Reports, Valued At $27 Each If You Bought Them On Their Own, Are Completely FREE When You Order GlucoGuardian Today...

And You’ll Get Immediate Access To Both, So You Can Read Through Them While You Wait For Your Order To Arrive...

So, here we are…

At This Point, You Basically Have Two Options:

You Could Go On As You Are, And Risk Letting The Massive Amount Of Refined Foods Around You Ruin Your Health, Energy, And Well-Being...

And Go On Through Your Life, Frustrated With Feeling Addicted And Never 100% Like Yourself...

Dealing With Low Energy, Lack Of Focus, An Expanding Waistline...

Perhaps Fearing The Onset Of Diabetes, Heart Disease, Dementia, Kidney Disease, Or Worse...

And Basically Forfeiting The Quality Of Life You Desire And Deserve...

Sure, You Could Do That...

But I Don’t Believe You Want That To Be Your Life...

If You’re Anything Like The Hundreds Of Thousands Of Customers Jaylab Pro Nutrition Has Helped, I Believe You Want To Support Your Health In The Best Way Possible...

I Think You Want To Dump Stored Fat By Keeping Your Blood Sugar Levels In Check...

I Think You Want To Walk Through A Store Or Enjoy A Nice Meal With Confidence, Knowing You’re No Longer A Slave To Cravings Or Sugar Addiction...

To Sail Through Every Day With Energy To Spare, Instead Of Riding The Up And Down Blood Sugar Roller Coaster So Many People Never Realize They’re Stuck On...

And I Know You Want To Promote Less Risk Of The Degenerative Diseases You’ve Seen Linked To Poor Blood Sugar Health Today...

(Like Diabetes, Dementia, Heart Disease, Alzheimer’s, Liver Disease, And So On...)

And Most Importantly:

Finally Treat Yourself, And Your Body, To Better Health, So You Can Feel Younger And Truly Enjoy Your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, And Beyond...

That’s What Our Team At Jaylab Pro Nutrition Wants For You...

And We’re Giving You The Fastest Track To Achieving It:

The Happy, Healthy Person You Deserve To Be...

Which Is Why, Again, We’ve Set Aside A Limited Supply Of Gluco Guardian For Today Only...So You Can Rebalance Your Body And Start Supporting Your Health Right Away.


You Can Try Gluco Guardian For As Little As $33.33 By Taking Advantage Of Your Free Ultra VIP Upgrade When You Reserve 4 Bottles + 2 FREE Bottles.

That’s Nearly 60% Off—A Massive Savings Of Over $202.00—And Works Out To Be Only $1.11 Per Dose... Plus, You’ll Get Free Shipping...

And as soon as you open the box, you can start balancing your blood sugar, body, energy, mind, and much more…AND:

You’ll Always Be Protected By Our Money-Back Guarantee…

Don’t forget:

You Have Nothing To Risk, Because The Entire Jaylab Pro Team Will Personally And Financially Guarantee Your Results With Our Triple Guarantee!

Try Gluco Guardian For A Full 60 Days...

And If You Don’t See Or Feel A Dramatic Improvement In Your Health...

Or Experience The Results You Expect...

And If You’re Not Convinced You Feel Leaner, Lighter, More Energetic, Or Focused, For Any Reason...

Simply Contact Our Customer Support For A Prompt And Courteous Refund…

Our Phone Number And Support Info Can Easily Be Found On Your Receipt In The Box You’ll Receive And In The E-Mail We’ll Be Sending Right After You Submit Your Order...

Oh, And No Matter What…You Can Keep Your Two Special Reports As A Gift, Just As Our Way Of Saying “Thank You For Caring About Your Health Enough To Try GlucoGuardian Today...”

It Simply Cannot Get Any More Fair Or Simple Than This...

So click the button below now to see if you’ve made the final cut and to see if your spot is still available…

If you DID make the cut, don’t forget when you order the 4-bottle option + 2 FREE Bottles… the price of Gluco Guardian drops even lower to just $33.33 per bottle, which is a grand total savings of more than $202.00 and works out to be just $1.11 per dose.

So Go Ahead And Get Started Now Before It’s Too Late… This way you avoid having to pay $147 or $97 per bottle later…


Shipping is free…

Your privacy is guaranteed…

And you have nothing to risk…

Plus, you’ll get instant access to your special reports, as soon as you complete your order…

It simply cannot get more fair or easy than this…

So click the button below right NOW to get started, and I will rush your order and greet you inside the Gluco Guardian Members Area with your free gifts and a surprise additional bonus!

Thanks for reading…click the button below now to get started!

If you’re still reading, you must still have some questions…and that’s okay:

I’ll Answer Some Of The Most Commonly Asked Questions For You Right Now…

“How Soon Will I Feel The Benefits Of Taking Gluco Guardian?”

Many People Report Feeling Their Addictions Fade And Energy Start To Soar Within The First Few Days Or Weeks.

To Fully Experience The Best Results Possible And Maintain All The Benefits We’ve Covered Today, You Should Try GlucoGuardian For At Least 90-120 Days, Which Is Only Fair...

...And One Of The Main Reasons We’ve Made It Easy To Stock Up Using The “4 + 2 FREE” Offer.

“What If I Don’t Like Gluco Guardian?”

You Would Literally Be The First, But Our Team Wants To Be Sure You Absolutely Love It, And See And Feel The Difference...

That’s Why We Extend Our Triple Guarantee...

If For Any Reason You Are Not 100% Thrilled With Results You Can See And Feel...Simply Return The Unused Portion For A Refund Of Your Purchase Price…

“Is There Anyone Who Should Not Take Gluco Guardian?”

It Shouldn’t Be Taken By Women That Are Pregnant Or Nursing. Nor Should It Be Taken By Children.

If You’re On Prescription Medications, You Should Always Check With Your Doctor Before Using This Or Any Other Supplement.

Do Not Take GlucoGuardian If You’re Currently Prescribed Diabetes Medications Or Other Blood Sugar Supporting Medications, Without Asking Your Doctor First.

“What Makes Gluco Guardian The Best Blood Sugar Supplement Available?”

The Way Gluco Guardian Is Created, Is Something I’m Sure You’ll Appreciate:! Every Raw Material That’s Used In Gluco Guardian Has To First Go Through Extensive Quality Control Tests.

When We Receive Our Materials—The Ingredients Used In Gluco Guardian— Our Quality Control Department Double-Checks The Requirements For Each Batch.

After Everything Is Verified, Raw Materials Are Released To Be Weighed, So That Each Bottle Of Gluco Guardian Contains The Exact Dosage Necessary To Meet These Requirements.

A Second Test Is Done To Make Sure Everything Was Properly Weighed.! And Then, Only After All Of This Is Done, Every Ingredient Is Blended Together, Checked For Proper Mixing, And Put Into Capsules.

The Capsules Are Inspected For Weight And Cleanliness, As Well As Our Production Line, And Then Packaged Into Bottles.

Our Quality Control Team Inspects The Final Product, A Sample Of Gluco Guardian Is Sent To A Third-Party Lab For Testing...And Finally:

After We Receive All Passing Test Results, A New Batch Of Gluco Guardian Is Ready For Shipment.

“How Will My Order Be Shipped, And How Long Before It Arrives?”

We Use An Advanced Inventory System That Will Calculate Which Shipping Method—Either The Postal Service Or UPS—Will Allow For The Fastest Delivery Possible.

Your Order Is Shipped As Soon As Possible, And Can Be Expected In Just 3-5 Days, If You Live In The USA…

“How Often Do I Take Gluco Guardian?”

Simply Consume 1 Gluco Guardian Capsule Once A Day With Breakfast And That’s It!

Each Capsule Is Easy To Swallow, So They’re Easy For You To Take.

“What Can Happen If I Don’t Do Anything About My Addiction To Sugar?”

Frankly, You Should Do Everything You Can To Break Free From Sugar Addiction And Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels Healthy…

I Don’t Say That To Scare You...

But Remember: Dealing With Feeling Addicted, Fatigued, Or A Few Extra Pounds Too Heavy Are Just The Beginning...

They Are Warning Signs Of Much Bigger Issues That Can Sneak Up On You, If You Choose To Do Nothing...

Issues Like Heart Disease, Diabetes, Kidney Disease, And So On…

Doctors Today Are Treating All Of These Health Problems From The “Top Of The Tree”—The Symptoms—Instead Of Focusing On The Root Cause…

And The Only Two Things They’ve Been Trained To Do, Are Either Hack Away At The Problem With Surgery…

Or Prescribe Expensive Drugs That Ignite Even More Health Problems, Cause Dependencies, And Kill Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Every Year Due To Being Overprescribed…

Add To That The Fact That Big Pharmaceutical Companies Are Fueling The Fire By Funding Medical Research, And Giving Bribes And Kick-Backs To The Doctors And Hospitals Who Prescribe Their Products And, Well…

You Have A System With A Conflict Of Interest. A System That Has Zero Interest In Preventing Problems, And Cares More About How To Cash In On Fixing Health Problems Instead…

Can You Honestly Say Any Of This Is Worth The Risk Of Doing Nothing?

If Not, Then You Have Your Answer: Gluco Guardian.

And On This Page, Today Only...

It’s Massively Discounted...

Plus, You’ll Get Free Shipping And Are Protected By Our Money-Back ‘Triple Guarantee’

You Have Absolutely Nothing To Lose As We’re Taking All Of The Risks For You...

And You Have Everything To Gain...

Remember: You Can Get 4 Bottles + 2 FREE For Just $33.33 Each, A Savings Of $207.00—Nearly 60% Off—Which Is Just $1.11 Per Dose.

Just Look Below This Presentation Right Now And Click On The Button To See If Your Spot Is Still Available…

If It Is, Fill Out Your Information...

Then Click The Big, Green Button With The Arrows To Complete Your Order!

Once You Do, We’ll Immediately Rush Your Shipment Of Gluco Guardian To You…

And You’ll Receive An E-Mail Confirming Everything, Including Instant Access To Your Two Free, Valued-Added Reports:

“7 Food Industry Secrets That Could Destroy Your Health”

And “The Top 15 Worst Foods That Hide Sugar”

Sound Easy Enough?

It Really Is...So:















(SAVE: $207.72)







(SAVE: $54.00)